Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bucket List

I've been blessed that my family has gone somewhere new every summer. It's crazy how much the scenery can change in just a four hour plane ride. I feel like people always say that a bucket list is something 50 year olds do, but I'm 16 and have a bucket list.

  • Visit all 50 U.S. States (as of 6/15- 38 down, 12 to go)
  • Ride a hot air balloon 
  • See a Broadway Show
  • Go ice skating in Rockefeller Center
  • Go to the Kentucky Derby
  • See the Eiffel Tower
  • Hike the entire Grand Canyon (We hiked part of it, but I was too little to do the whole thing)

There are definitely other things I would like to do, so I should be adding more things to this list!

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